Friday, August 8, 2014

True friends stab you in the front - Oscar Wilde

Lots of thoughts and musings, adventures and work.  Sounds like a normal spot for me in life!

I recently took a lunch trip up to Talkeetna with my old roommate Megan who I used to live with up in Nome and when I first moved down to Anchorage. Megan is also a native of Ohio! So many things in common this girl and I have. The drive to Talkeetna is about 2.5 hours. We drove up had lunch watched the tourists scurry about and then drove 2.5 hours back.  Who does that? We do. The size of Alaska is pretty mind blowing, even living here it's just madness how far one will drive for a day trip or adventure. We hadn't seen each other in awhile so the girl chat and gossip and life musings we had made the drive, both ways, fly by.  I have some pretty amazing friends, I might not see them daily, weekly, monthly... sometimes not even yearly! but I know that if I pick up the phone and call them they will answer, and be there to help me. Just as I would answer the call for them, and do whatever I could to help them.  Those are the best of friends I think that one can have. The true friends that have seen the absolute best in you, the happiest that you can be, watch and encourage your soul to shine as bright as it can. But they have also seen the darkest side of you, have held you while cry about things that may not matter in 10 minutes or things that are completely life changing; and when they can't be there they do things to show that they are with you in spirit. Text messages with inspirational quotes, or sending a stuffed orange cat in a green t-shirt overnight to be in their place. I am so incredibly blessed.

Artwork over the mainstage at Salmonstock!
Salmonstock came to the little town of Ninilchik last weekend so I packed myself up and headed to a hippie music festival.  I think it's very safe to say that I am not a "festival" person.  After sleeping on the floor of a barn in my tent, my neck was sore, my cough was terrible, I was freezing.  I like flush toilets, or maybe i just don't like port-a-potties..., and access to clean water.  Yeah I'm a bit of a princess I suppose. But hey if no one else is going to treat me like one as may as well treat myself like one!

So I met up with a new work friend (Buffie) and her husband, and an old nursing school friend (Ali) who just got a job in Anchorage at a different hospital.  Pretty cool to meld two people from different spots of life into one.  Buffie took me and Ali in and I only had to spend one night on the cold hard ground. The second night at salmonstock we spent in a trailer. Buffie's son let us have his spot in the trailer and slept with mom and dad. Ali and I slept head to toe in a space smaller than a twin bed... Hahaha SO MUCH BETTER THAN THE GROUND! We drank wine and watched an incredible sunset. Scaled a bluff down to the beach.  Last weekend is what makes friendships so sweet. Building new, reinforcing old. brilliant.
Sunset over Mt Redoubt... total stunner

The bluff we scaled to the beach
was pretty high up, Ali is the shadow
down there
And a Bentley picture for good measure!
Life I think is a series of events that happen. And I think a lot of my sadness and heartache does come from when these events don't line up in time the way I want them to. I was talking to a good friend about this. Enlightened by the thought of logistics. Logistics are the key to anything that's supposed to be.  How many wonderful individuals that have had a walk on part in my life, that just kind of faded away. Not that I wanted them to, but life happens and lives don't line up anymore and away they go. This isn't just with  boyfriends.  I can think of numerous girlfriends that have come and gone in my life over the last decade. Some that I would have considered to be my best of friends that I no longer speak to. Life has just taken our lines and has directed them left and right, and maybe they will meet again, but maybe they won't. As always waiting to see what the universe sends my way is a test of the virtue I lack least... patience.   One day everything might line up.  Until then I'll enjoy the lines i'm connected to right now.  
Today a hot cup of tea, and the hum of my cat is what is making me smile. And the thought that in 5 nights I will have 5 nights off. And I will accomplish things that grownups need to do. Like buy a bike. More adventures to come!

With love!


  1. Those sunsets! OMG.
    Hope I get to see you in CO. We will be at the tail end of our move there - so if not this time, every time after!

  2. I will be back a few times a year! I can't wait to meet the little one!! Good luck on the move!!
