Only thing missing is SNOW! Taken on a little trip to Girdwood this weekend |
Oh yay! 40 posts! I'm like a grown up or something! Nah that's not true... when you become a grown up you've bought into all the lies that society has been feeding you all your life, and you've given up the fire inside to live life and move forward, no matter the glacial pace, and just accept right now for the rest of your life. That actually sounds terrible. I want to be a responsible child forever!!
YAY! FURNITURE! Only 3 mugs broke in transit! |
Trying to find a place to buy is a bit underwhelming.. pretty much like online dating. Ooohh the write up looks nice, the pictures are good... in real life? Oh what camera angles can do for a place! Why do hoarders list their houses and not clean anything up? You have your bed sticking out of a closet! WHAT THE FREAK?! You have boxes of trash everywhere in all of your pictures! I'm sure the car I saw at Costco was yours... the Jeep Cherokee with only enough space inside of it for one driver and NOTHING else.... Interesting way to get out of being the driver when carpooling comes up. So needless to say... the search continues. I saw 4 places last week, and will see 3 more places tomorrow.
Me and my Ohioan roomie Megan! |
Work is going awesome. I have great mentors, doctors and techs that I work with. I am exposed to more conditions, illnesses, and dumb things that people do to themselves. Snowmachining with no helmet and then your head stops your body from sliding for forever. Meth... Not even once. And other such fun things!
Chugach Mountains |
In other news... Give us back out weather Lower 48! Granted the sunshine is really nice, but no snow on the ground isn't. I think Alaskans are the only ones complaining about too much sun and not enough snow at this point. So you guys can just mail it back in a box. We will gladly take it.
Love the reflection of the mountains on the water! |
Bentley is doing well. He is making the transition. He doesn't like the dog we live with part time. He ends up just hanging out in my room unless the dog is out of the house. Sigh. Oh well. Nothing to earth shattering to report. I'm just getting used to the real world again. It's nice. Just planning my next adventure. Perhaps I'll go to the Kentucky Derby, or skiing in CO since they have snow, maybe Hawaii for some warmth with the sunshine? Guess only time will tell!
This is Zephy. Bentley's puppy "friend" |
Bentley is hiding. Poorly. |
You funny. Keep enjoying, explorer.