Saturday, March 23, 2013

10 days and counting

That's what the fortune cookie I had a few days ago said, and it is just so fitting. 

The calendar says spring but it's a raging blizzard outside in Denver right now.  Must be mother nature getting me prepped for what is to come!  I found out a little bit more from Nome about what my training will be like and where.  I will be in Nome for about 2 months before going to Anchorage to spend 6-8 weeks at the Native Medical Center (Trauma 2 center).  That means I'm forced to spend my summer in Anchorage... FORCED! hehehe I am so looking forward to this.  In the meantime I am reading up on my past certification books to refresh my mind.

There have been so many mixed feeling the last few days, and I'm sure the days to come.  I am so excited about this adventure, but I am so sad to be leaving the place that my soul calls home.  Leaving all of my close friends in Denver, and all of the new friends that I have met.  I'm sad that I have to leave Bentley in Seattle for 4 months until I can get settled in my own place in Nome (Surprise Marie if you are reading this before I call you about it!).  But I do get this overwhelming feeling of excitement too.  When I am out with friends and they tell people like our waitress or the store clerk that I am moving to Alaska, and then I tell them why and these complete strangers get so excited for me and this adventure, it is absolutely infectious.  

Poor guy has no idea what's about to happen. 
My mom is coming out next week; my last day of skiing Summit county is next week; I move all my possessions, that I didn't mail to myself, into storage next week; sell my Betty next week.  Next week is going to one hell of a roller coaster. Whether you pray or just throw out vibrant juju into the universe I need all the positive thoughts y'all can muster!  Next week is going to be really tough. I guess it's the ultimate case of "First World Problems".

1 comment:

  1. Don't give up on the blog! I love it!!! Good luck with everything sweetie!
